Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I had PMS today

Yes, you did not hear wrongly, I actually had PMS today.

When I came back from work, cant access to internet, my mood straight away jumping down from 28th floor, felt very dulan, very frustrated, over silly unaccessable internet.... straight away went for nap...

Woke at 11pm, internet was online.. but still very moody, no mood to do thesis, body itchy here and there... 12pm, I took a shower and I'm going to sleeping now, planned to wake at 3am to my thesis...

okie, nite all.....

p/s: im still f*ckin' moody, maybe because of the fckin' dog that my housemate temporary taken care of. I HATE DOGS! Fckin' smelly!!! *vomit*


zilly said...

zilly : dogs are lovely.chill ^^
siow : hw was ur 1st PMS?

p/s : we are at library

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wtf....- -"

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